
UX Design , UX Research , Content Strategy Lead


Courtney Curtis , Stephanie Sutter,
Adriana Deonarine & Prince Nehan

We had a 3 week time line to complete our research and design for this project. We utilized Trello to keep all of our data and tasks organized to make sure that we were able to meet the deadlines we set.

From our screener servey we were able to see the data we needed to start interviewing users. 

Being able to utilize this data was EXTREMELY helpful to see if our assumptions on the directory were true. 

User Interviews

We conducted 9 user interviews, all moms from The US & Canada

Here you can see our Affinity Map that we used to group like-minded comments and concerns.
From there we can see where our major pain points are with the current Directory.

We noticed some problems with
the word "directory"

We noticed some different ways that people find new products and started thinking how we can utilize this to boost our Directory pages views.

After our user interviews we moved to usability testing the original website directory

After the First Usability test we could narrow down the problems on the site that we needed to tackle first, combining this information with the interview and survey data we are in a good place to start figuring out design.

We did a Feature Inventory to see if we had anything missing that we could add to help elevate the Directory.


after our card sorts we were able to create a new taxonomy for the global nav.

We decided to utilize Rebel Mamas instagram to hear from some of their users 

From here we figured out what features we wanted to tackle first- and moved onto sketching!

Here is an initial sketch of our brand cards for the site - done by Steph Sutter

We turned these sketches into wire frames to start and see a layout and user flows for the next round
of user testing.

we started our design journey by creating a style guide for the site - pulling fonts, icons & colours we would use around the site.


We started to bump up the wireframes to a higher fidelity- here is an example of our brand card.

We finished our last Usability Test to make sure everything we had created worked for the users.

User Personas 

Final Figma Prototype

The Rebel Mama is a popular motherhood brand based in Toronto, Canada. 

Their mission is to encourage mothers to be "Confident, Fearless enough to be honest, and... brazen enough to set out to change the world" during their journey of motherhood in a humorous and unconventional way.

Who Is The Rebel Mama?

We sent out a screener survey to narrow down our interview pool. 

User Surveys & Habits

Clients Project Goal

How likely are you to make a purchase based on

How likely are you to make a purchase based on 

Are you a parent? 

Directory Association 

associated the word with places 

Would you be enticed to look at a 

Discovery Methods

Brand Recommendations 

6 Users participated in the usability test
1 User clicked directory immediately after starting Task 2 

1 User clicked directory 2 minutes into Task 2


2 Users never made it to directory in Task 2 but clicked it immediately in Task 3 

2 Users never clicked directory at all

Here you can see the original taxonomy of the global nav.

Card Sorting

Open Card Sort 

Closed Card Sort 

Participants group the cards into categories they create and label themselves. This helps identify how users naturally think about organizing content. 

Participants organize cards into predefined categories that we provided. This is useful when you have specific categories in mind and want to test their validity. 

Rebel Mama Internal Analytics 

Young moms ages 35-44 living in the Greater Toronto Area 

32% of new users come from social media 
19% of new users that come from social media
are from Pinterest 

The Directory is the 5th most viewed page on their site 
Users spend an average of 1 minute on the Directory page

Are you a Parent? 

97% of Rebel Mama followers are parents 

What do you visit most on the site? 

75% Didn’t know that they had a website 
17% Visit the blog posts 

How often do you see new brands on
the RM Directory? 

72% Never visit the brand Directory 

Problem Statment

Users need an organic way to discover Rebel Mama - recommended brands, so that they can quickly find brands that align with their values and make informed purchase decisions without extensive research. 

Key Insights

1. People don't understand and wouldn't click "Directory" on a website- they are actually more gravitated towards the
 word "Shop"
2. People are more likely to tryust a brand if it is recommended from a brand, influencer or person that they trust 
3. People think it's helpful to see reviews or other's opinions about a brand when shopping online

Feature Prioritization 

Usability Test
Round 2 

Once our wireframes were complete and out low fidelity prototype was functioning it was time
for the next round of Usability Testing. 

3 Users participated in the usability test 

2 Users clicked Brands We Love in the Shop dropdown within 90-97 seconds of starting task 1 

1 User clicked Brands We Love in the main navigation within 90 seconds of starting task 1


Usability Test Round 3 

Once our low fidelity prototype was bumped up to high fidelity it was time for usability test round 3.

3 Users participated in the usability test 
2 Users clicked Brands We Love in the shop dropdown within 77-93 seconds of starting task 1
1 User clicked Brands We Love in the main navigation within 90 seconds of starting task 1

Recommended Next Steps 

- Further category and subcategory research 
- A/B test of different names for the Directory 

“Brands We Love” 


“RM Partners” 
- We will hand off the Research Report so that you have everything you need to make these changes and follow up with next steps. 

Project Timeline

Create a symbiotic relationship between the audience and the RM’s brand partners. 

Usability Test
Round 1

Clients Project Goal

Clients Project Goal

recommendations from a blog or social media site?

recommendations from a blog or social media site?

recommendations from a blog or social media site?

recommendations from another person?  

recommendations from another person?  

recommendations from another person?  

Are you a parent? 

Are you a parent? 

We noticed some problems with
the word "directory"

We noticed some problems with
the word "directory"

associated the word with people & phone books

associated the word with places 

associated the word with places 

associated the word with people & phone books

associated the word with people & phone books

websites Directory ?

websites Directory ?

websites Directory ?

websites Directory ?

Users need an organic way to discover Rebel Mama - recommended brands, so that they can quickly find brands that align with their values and make informed purchase decisions without extensive research. 

Users need an organic way to discover Rebel Mama - recommended brands, so that they can quickly find brands that align with their values and make informed purchase decisions without extensive research. 

recommendations from another person?  

recommendations from another person?  


UX Design + Research